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Kickoff of the Facebook Developer Circle Ruhr

9elements strives to bring local developers together. We successfully host the user group PottJS and the international conference RuhrJS in the Ruhr Area, but development is not all about JavaScript, right?

What are Developer Circles?

First things first: Facebook Developer Circles (DevC’s) are not exclusively dealing with Facebook technologies like React or GraphQL. DevC’s are Meetups, sponsored by Facebook and organised by locals. 9elements took the opportunity to create another forum to share knowledge, build new ideas and learn about the latest technologies like Bots, AI, Machine learning, frontend technologies in general etc. Everyone with technical interest in coding or topics related to development is welcome to join the Developer Circle.

Are we getting payed for it?

No, our participation as so called “Facebook Developer Circle Leads” is completely voluntary. We are doing this, because we believe in the power of our local developer community, would love to share knowledge through invited speakers and bring like-minded people together. Facebook supports us by sponsoring food and drinks for our attendees and also by covering the travel expenses for our speakers if need be. Also, they give us the opportunity to share learning material within the facebook group like video-workshops or internal talks followed up with a Q&A session with the speaker.

Who are those events for?

For everyone interested in development. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced developer. We do our best to find topics that are interesting to everyone.

I would like to give a talk. How do I become a speaker?

You can write us an Email or a private message on Facebook. We are interested in everything related to any technology.


Your talk should be about 30 minutes long (please give us a heads up, if you need more time) You don’t have to be an experienced speaker, we also appreciate first-time speakers.Let us know, if you need feedback for a dry-run or support with your slides. 9elements has got experienced speakers who can help you out with helpful feedback.

What can I expect, when participating a DevC Ruhr?

  • 2 Talks, each 30 minutes

  • Some food and drinks (Softdrinks, Coffee/Tea, Beer)

  • Awesome like minded people

  • Exchange of knowledge

  • Networking

You would like to give a talk?? We’d love to hear from you!

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