#tragmit - a Rails platform to give children a brighter future

#tragmit  - Every child deserves a future

Our coders and tinkerers recently launched the new website for our client’s project #tragmit! (engl. #backit). The project aims to collect donations to support children with convicted parents in countries of extreme poverty. The team of Hoffnungsträger provides a safe environment for the children and ensures that they are properly nourished and receive medical attention and education.

To facilitate the process of donating, our coders and designers built a straightforward and intuitive website. Users can create a campaign in only three steps without the need to register for an account. Furthermore, companies that create a campaign have the possibility to add their logo, website and social media profiles. Company campaigns can be created via: https://tragmit.de/neue-firmen-kampagne.

After a campaign is created the user receives two emails. One to share the campaign with and another that permits the editing of the campaign. To rid the user of the necessity to create an account while ensuring proper authentication, every campaign has an automatically generated Token that replaces the user account.

#tragmit is realized with Rails 5.1, Postgresql Database, HAML and SASS. The image upload was built with Carrierwave and MiniMagick, the Admin Dashboard with Rails-Admin and the payment with Stripe and Paypal. In addition, the mail-delivery is realized with Mailgun and the newsletter-integration with Mailchimp.

As we are convinced that every child deserves a future, we started our own campaign “Zukunft schaffen” (engl. Creating future). If you want to support our partner Hoffnungsträger, it would be great if you’d donate to our campaign via: http://tragmit.de/gzvy

Please, support us and #tragmit!

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